ALTSA believes that universities can only flourish in a free non-racial, non-discriminatory and democratic society.  Its main aims are to:
Represent its members in relevant matters.
Strive for the elimination of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, class or creed in our universities and society.
Protect and advance the interests of all its members by representing them on University committees.

Our history

In November 2002, the Department of Labour successfully approved the registration and merger of the Technical Staff Association (TSA) and the Administrative, Library Staff Association (ALTSA).

As from 1 January 2003 the above associations started functioning under the name of ALTSA (Administrative, Library and Technical Staff Association).

It is important to note that the Technical Staff Association had been in existence since 1946.  The Administrative and Library Staff Association was formed in 1976.  The very first minutes of TSA reveal discussions held on conditions of service and salary negotiations.

Seventy-three years later, ALTSA is still representing staff in matters relating to conditions of service, salary negotiations, grievances and disciplinary cases.

The composition of ALTSA was made possible under the leadership of the ALTSA Chairperson, Dee McKee and Vice Chairperson, Steve Mitchell and the TSA Chairperson, Pat Stirling, Vice Chairperson, Johan Holtzhausen and Treasurer/Secretary, Ann Smith.

The year 2001 saw the resignation of Pat Stirling and the election of Johan Holtzhausen as the TSA Chairperson and Janet Moyes as the Vice Chairperson.  In September 2002, Dee McKee resigned and Adele Underhay was elected Chairperson of ALTSA.

In November 2002 a merger of both unions was finalised and the Administrative, Library and Technical Staff Assosiation (ALTSA) was formed.  Johan Holtzhausen was unanimously elected President of ALTSA.  Under his leadership and guidance, serious consideration was given to the proper governance of ALTSA with recruitment becoming one of the associations’ greatest aims.  Great emphasis is placed on accountability, management and improvement of service levels of the association.  Adele Underhay was the elected Vice-President.

Johan Holtzhausen was retrenched in 2004, and the Presidency unanimously went to Adele Underhay, who upheld the aims of ALTSA, until her retirement in 2019.  In 2018 Ricardo De Sao Joao was elected President and Taariq Surtee, Vice-President.  Ricardo De Sao Joao resigned from the university, with Taariq Surtee currently acting President.

In October 2018, ALTSA became an affiliate member of the Federated Union of South Africa (FEDUSA).  FEDUSA was established as a trade union federation on 1 April 1997, by the amalgamation of two federations, namely Federation of South African Labour Unions (FEDSAL) and Federation of Organisations Representing Civil Employees (FORCE).  FEDUSA’s establishment is very closely related to the fact that a growing number of employees from all walks of life felt the need for a much stronger, party-politically independent, non-racial and stable trade union federation with unions who can advance the interests of employees and of the economy of South Africa in an independent and responsible manner.  See www.fedusa.org.za for more information.

Also watch the interesting FEDUSA video – let your voice be heard! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2A39OBHvvss


ALTSA aims to:

  • Defend and promote the interests of those it represents.
  • Examine the role of the University in a changing society in order to promote the equitable and fullest possible utilisation of the University’s resources by all.
  • Strive for the elimination of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, marital status, culture, class, creed or national origin in our University and society.
  • Enhance communication and interaction within this and other University staff associations and unions who have similar aims.
  • Raise funds and operate banking accounts and use any funds and assets of the Association for any or all of the above purposes.
  • Do such things as may from time to time be considered by the Association as desirable.
  • Use every legitimate means to encourage professional and support staff employees to become members.
  • Provide legal assistance to members relating to their employment, where possible.
  • Encourage the settlement of disputes between members and employer organisations by conciliation, mediation and arbitration.
  • To do such things as may appear to be in the interest of the Association and its members which are consistent with the objectives or any matter specifically provided for in this Constitution.

Our Team

Office Bearers

Taariq Surtee

Acting President

Taariq Surtee

Taariq has been a member of ALTSA for 8 years and an executive member for 6 years. He is currently the Head of eResearch. Taariq likes to explore the beautiful country that is South Africa.

Tamelyne Van Tonder

Deputy President

Tamelyne Van Tonder

Tammy is a member of the ALTSA Executive. She works in the School Of Animal, Plant And Environmental Sciences.

Casey Sparkes


Casey Sparkes

Casey has been a member of ALTSA for 8 years, and part of the executive committee for 4 years. Casey is based in the Faculty of Science, managing a project funded by the DST through the CSIR focussed on Masters students in the field of e-Science. She is an avid runner and enjoys tennis.

Committee Members

Farhaad Hassan


Farhaad Hassan

Farhaad is a member of the ALTSA Executive. He works as a Senior Applications Developer, in ICT Business Applications And Solutions.

Ameeta Merhoye


Ameeta Merhoye

Ameeta joined ALTSA in 2017 and became a member of the executive committee in 2018. She is an administrator in the School of Education. Being passionate about people, Ameeta champions the rights of workers. She loves cooking, gardening and Sudoku.

Cynthia Warren


Cynthia Warren

Cynthia joined ALTSA when she started at the University in 1982. She has been a member of the executive committee since 2013. Cynthia is the Subscriptions Librarian in the Wartenweiler Library. She loves to swim in the Linden pool.

Desikan Naidoo


Desikan Naidoo

Desikan is a member of the ALTSA Executive. He is currently the Head of Executive Corporate Business for Wits Business School Executive Education. He is described by his colleagues as a high-level Business Developer and thought leader in the field of executive education.

Bernadine Dunstan


Bernadine Dunstan

Bernadine is a member of the ALTSA Executive. She joined Wits University in then Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry (CSMI). Bernadine is currently a Finance Officer in the School of Molecular and Cell Biology, Faculty of Science.

Janet Zambri


Janet Zambri

Janet is a member of the ALTSA Executive. She works as a Manager in Library Education And Training.

Would you like us to start fighting for your rights?

Simply complete the online application form or alternatively contact us telephonically for more information. We look forward to putting you first!
Please note that if you are not a member of ALTSA, but require immediate assistance with HR/ER related issues, an upfront payment of six (6) months membership fees will be required.