News & Resources
Everything you need to know all in one place
You are covered!
We represent you on the following communities &
University Forum
Wellness Forum
Bargaining Council & Related Task teams
COVID-19 Task Team
Membership Drive
We would like to encourage all of our existing members to promote ALTSA to their colleagues.

ALTSA Constitution
Review our constitution

CCMA Resources
Review the amended CCMA rules. All CCMA documents can be reviewed, but please contact us first!

Performance Based Remuneration
The University will implement Performance Based Remuneration in January 2020. Read more about the principles that will underpin PMB.
Would you like us to start fighting for your rights?
Simply complete and email the application form or alternatively contact us telephonically for more information. We look forward to putting you first!
Please note that if you are not a member of ALTSA, but require immediate assistance with HR/ER related issues, an upfront payment of six (6) months membership fees will be required.